Part 5 – Challenge Activity

Chose one of the four challenge activities found below to further your knowledge of mass, volume, and density.  You may do this activity on your own or with your group members.

Challenge Activity 1: Float or Sink – Regular or Diet Sodas

Using various brands of regular and diet pops, determine if the cans float or sink.  What about other types of canned drinks?

Create a chart comparing the various brands of pop.  As well, explain the reason a can of pop may float or sink?

Challenge Activity 2 – Helium Balloons

Explain (using the terms density, mass, and volume) why helium balloons float in air.

Challenge Activity 3 – Submarines

How do submarines dive and return to the surface?

Challenge Activity 4 – Your own design

In Part 2, your group was asked the question “What do you want to know” about the topic we were studying.  Conduct a research study on your groups’ question.