Rafiki Link

Rafiki Link connects students in Kenya with students in North America through shared online experiences. As a high school teacher, I brought a group of 5 students from around the world to Kenya for a 2-week experience. Prior to their departure, the group made T-shirts and suggested the word Rafiki – which means ‘friend’ – as a name for the connection.

I arranged to take a 5-month leave of absence from my school, and during that time volunteered at three local high schools in Maai Mahiu, Kenya.  As I spent time with teachers and youth in Kenya, I was struck by the parallels in the experiences of both teachers and students. Though at the time I did not see the shared colonial roots that underpin those experiences, I did see the potential to bring students together and find ways for them to realise their common humanity.

Starting with a single laptop and three rural schools, the program grew to involve hundreds of youth in Maai Mahiu across North America. For more information about the initiative, see the history of Rafiki Link or the current website.

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