Take the Course: Making a Difference – Locally and Globally

This spring I’ll be trying out a new course structure at Langara College. In the past, Tamara Baldwin and I taught a course called ‘Travelling to Volunteer’ – a course that worked to unpack some of the assumptions and thinking behind voluntourism. Based on conversations emerging within that course and elsewhere, we are offering two new courses for spring 2015. You can find them both here, under the ‘World Languages and Travel’ section. Pass this along to those who may be interested…!

Location: John Oliver Secondary
This course is designed for adults who have been working five or more years, and who want to consider ways that they can use their holiday time, finances, and/or skills to support work that they believe is important in the world. In the first evening, participants will explore their own skills, goals, and background. Between the first and second session, participants will do individual research and planning to find relevant organizations and initiatives. The second session will focus on asking questions, suggesting next steps, and preparing for a successful engagement with the chosen initiative/organization. Come to this course with a few questions or directions already in mind. Be prepared to think thoughtfully about how your use your time and resources in this world; you’ll leave with a stronger sense of your purpose and some clear next steps.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost
50990 1 eve Th Feb 19, 2015 1830-2030 $49
and 1 eve Th Mar 05, 2015 1830-2030

Location: John Oliver Secondary
Have you considered international volunteering or ‘voluntourism’ and wondered about the ethics of this work? Are you interested in international engagement but unsure how you can be? This session will open discussions around the ethics of international engagement using material derived from the reflections of those who have worked/ volunteered internationally, research studies in this area, and existing educational resources. Taking this course is a bit like international volunteering itself – you will leave with more refined informed, and reflective questions than when you began.

CRN Duration Starts Time Instructor Cost
50989 2 eve Tu Jan 27, 2015 1800-2100 $69




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