Full-time Changemakers: Profile

The role of a ‘full-time changemaker’ in this initiative is at the centre of this work. The full-time changemaker is the leader of likely multiple ongoing initiatives / projects / approaches in their own context. While Global Solidarity Retreat ‘changemakers’ are most likely located in other countries, they may also be located here on Turtle Island.

Full-time Changemaker

  • Work for an organization with a clearly articulated social purpose;
  • Are willing to invest in building relationships with people beyond their organization, but don’t know how to connect with the people they’re looking for;
  • Have resources that they’ve already tapped into, and are constantly looking for more resources to support their work;
  • Have ideas for initiatives or projects that could happen if there were only more time, skills, or resources;
  • Have spent a minimum of 5 years managing projects, and have experience working with people from Canada.

Before the initiative, the full time changemaker(s) define a set of skills/resources/networks/etc that would be most of use to their initiative. This might include, for example, background in communications, social media, and graphic design for a branding exercise; or background in accounting, social enterprise, and youth work for a youth-led social enterprise launch. This could be as formal as a set of job descriptions, or as informal as a set of desired characteristics and experiences.

Ideally, the full-time changemakers will be visiting Canada for other reasons. Being involved in an Global Solidarity Retreat is a way to add value to and already-scheduled visit. If you work in solidarity with Southern changemakers, and you know someone visiting North America who might be an ideal candidate for this role, please be in contact with malibain-at-gmail.com.

Next: Participants from Canada: Overview