
I have always had ideas that I am passionate about; some of those ideas become projects that are given life and passion by the participation of others. Here are a few of the projects I’ve been involved with over the years.

How can we show international solidarity? Videos and more

As part of International Development week, BCCIC staff conducted short interviews to learn more about the work of their members. See the clips below – and enjoy! How can we show international solidarity from BC? What does ‘universality’ mean? The … Continue reading

Apply now for the YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat, March 11-13

We are ready to accept applications for the YWLP – Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat! As a result of strong interest from North Island College and partners in the Comox Valley, we’re hosting this retreat at Mt Washington on Vancouver Island. … Continue reading

Take the Course: Making a Difference – Locally and Globally

This spring I’ll be trying out a new course structure at Langara College. In the past, Tamara Baldwin and I taught a course called ‘Travelling to Volunteer’ – a course that worked to unpack some of the assumptions and thinking … Continue reading

Artesana Global Solidarity Retreat – Sept 16 – 18, 2014

Global Solidarity Retreat with Sandra Moran, Artesana September 26-28, 2014; ongoing solidarity into 2015 and beyond summary report (pdf)  | full report (pdf) The Artesana Global Solidarity Retreat, held Sept 26 – 28th on Gambier Island, provided an opportunity for people … Continue reading

Building community in the city: “friend-family”, green leis, and Mt Pleasant Mondays

For some time I’ve been thinking about ways to connect more regularly with people that are important to me. In my ideal world connecting with community is a part of my home, a part of my routines, it’s natural, easy, … Continue reading




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