
Where are you from?

I am a lifelong resident of what is known as the West Coast in British Columbia, otherwise known as the traditional territories of the Kwakwaka’wak’w and Coast Salish. If you’d like to know more about my background, check out some of the places I have connection to.

What do you do?

I derive joy and energy from working with groups, and have done so as a teacher, trainer, and facilitator for over 10 years. I’m happy to share with you some of my past projects, favourite resources, and more.

I have also had the pleasure of working with and alongside various amazing people to create new programs, explore emerging research, and coordinate events.

What are you doing with this site?

This site highlights some of my past and present work, and is intended to present enough to at least begin an engaged conversation. If you’re interested in learning more, collaborating, or you’d just like to say hi – email me: malibain (at) gmail (dot) com.