Participants from Canada: Overview

Participants from Canada bring a set of skills, a desire to be involved in positive change, and a commitment to the cause. They are people who can see the value of being comprehensive and strategic in allocation of their time, skills and resources to make positive change in the world, and are willing to invest time and thought into what / how they contribute to one issue/organization/initiative. They want to see positive change in the world, and have chosen a life which allows investment of time and/or resources in making change.

Global Solidarity Retreat Participants

By joining this initiative, participants make a specific commitment for a defined period of time. While the exact nature of the commitment will depends upon the issue/lead changemaker, in general terms successful applicants will commit to the following:

  • Participate in orientation, preparation, Global Solidarity Retreat, and reunion meetings
  • Contribute 10 – 40 hrs/month for 12 months after the Retreat; and
  • Contribute registration fees (orientation, retreat, reunion) – subsidy available

Participants will be invited to apply to Global Solidarity Retreats based on the needs and interests defined for each project. Fellows work together and learn as a group, and include some folks with life experience (55+), some younger folks, and some who are engaged in the issues locally either through organizations or as members of a diaspora.

Selection criteria will vary depending on the context of the retreat. The Artesana Global Solidarity Retreat was looking for a diverse group of participants – those familiar with this work and those new and interested. Participants were selected based on having one or more of the following:

  • Interest in women’s issues and/or activism in Guatemala
  • Interest in social justice and/or working in solidarity
  • Awareness of own social location (race/gender/class/sexual orientation/ability/etc)
  • Experience working in an international and/or Indigenous context
  • Experience with women who have experienced violence and/or women in the prison system
  • Spanish language skills, written and/or spoken

For the full application from the Artesana Global Solidarity Retreat, click here: Global Solidarity Retreat – application package

Global Solidarity Sponsors

Some people may not have the time to invest in attending, but would like to support others to work in solidarity. By becoming an International Solidarity Sponsor, you can make participation in this program possible for those who could otherwise not afford the costs.

  • Participate in pre-planning meetings as desired
  • Contributes financially to support the retreat.

Sponsorships are welcome for all components of the initiative. For those projects affiliated with a Canadian-registered charity, tax receipts may be available. Please be in touch with for more information.

Next: The Full Experience: Before, During and After