The full experience: before, during, after

Before the Retreat

Before the Retreat, project leaders (from Canada or international) define a project and set of skills that would be most of use to their initiative or idea. If a leader from Guatemala wanted to raise awareness of an issue in their community, they might assemble a team that includes people, backgrounds in communications, social media, Spanish-English translation, and graphic design. A project that is looking to build a youth-led social enterprise might benefit from a team with backgrounds in accounting, social enterprise, business, and youth work.

Before the Retreat, individuals make a specific commitment for a defined period of time – for more information, see information for full-time changemakers and participants from Canada.

During the Retreat

The intention of the International Solidarity fellows is to gather a group of people who are ‘bought in’ to an idea and have a commitment to work together for a period of time. During the retreat, participants:

  • Come to a common and clear understanding of the initiative being proposed, and its connection to making change in a larger context;
  • Begin planning for the ‘work’ of solidarity over the next 6-12 months – for example through visioning, prioritizing, or creating action plans;
  • Build relationships between participants and with the full-time changemaker; and
  • Relax & enjoy a beautiful place together.

After the Retreat

All participants will have committed to significant contributions and efforts after the retreat. The 6-12 months following the retreat will involve completing those commitments, maintaining communication with the remainder of the group, and adjusting plans / expectations continuously.

Check-in Gatherings

Each group will determine in advance times when the entire group will gather in-person and virtually to check in on work to date and reconnect as a group.

Next: Frequently Asked Questions