Tag Archives: North Island College

Apply now for the YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat, March 11-13

We are ready to accept applications for the YWLP – Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat! As a result of strong interest from North Island College and partners in the Comox Valley, we’re hosting this retreat at Mt Washington on Vancouver Island.

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YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat Application Information

YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat

YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat Application Form
Additional spaces have been opened for the YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat; applications accepted until March 1st or until all spaces have been filled.

YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat
March 11-13, 2016: Mt Washington, Vancouver Island

Join Caroline M. Berinyuy and a group of others interested in local/global leadership for a retreat this spring. You’ll spend a weekend on Mt Washington in the Comox Valley on the unceded territory of the K’moux people. As a group, you will get to know each other, learn more about Caroline’s work, consider ways to be in solidarity – and have fun!
Caroline M. Berinyuy, program director of the Young Women’s Leadership Program (YWLP) in Cameroon, completed her PhD in Education at the University of Virginia. Global Solidarity Retreat organizer Mali Bain has connected with her in relation to her visit to Vancouver to present at the 2016 Comparative and Intercultural Education Society (CIES) conference; Caroline is thrilled to be co-facilitating the YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat.

The retreat will be an opportunity to

  • Connect with others in British Columbia interested in global solidarity
  • Learn more about Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP) in Cameroon and Caroline Berinyuy’s approach to leading this work
  • Explore topics such as: intercultural collaboration, global citizenship, insider/outsider perspectives, biases & ways of knowing, and imposed/expressed/perceived needs.

We welcome a diverse group of participants, both those new to this work and those with significant experience/training. You will benefit most from this retreat if you have one or more of the following:

  • Interest in young women’s leadership locally and/or internationally
  • Interest in social justice and/or working in solidarity
  • Awareness of own social location (race/gender/class/sexual orientation/ability/etc)
  • Interest in or experience working in an international and/or Indigenous context

Please share widely, and be in touch with questions / comments!

– YWLP-Cameroon Global Solidarity Retreat Co-facilitators: Caroline, Mali, and Colleen

Contribute to the retreat or pay for your retreat:

YWLP-Cameroon GSR Sliding Scale Payment Options

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