It’s not OBVIOUS, at all.

After reading through numerous classmates’ blogs, I would like to refer to Lisa Andrew’s blog on product placement. It influenced me to seek what other bad examples of product placement are out there. I define “bad example” as in too obvious and in-your-face advertisements, which are annoying to consumerss.

Take a look at the video I found on YouTube:

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When I watched Sex and the City, it was more of a subconscious and expected thought about high-end brands being brought up in the movie. Since Sarah Jessica Parker stated out-loud “Louis Vuitton” and “Chanel” makes it further notable.  Of course during the entire movie there were numerous luxurious brands’ products being shown by the actors in the movie, creating a more subtle product placement.

In the Superman part, needless to say Marlboro and Coca-Cola explicitly flash their huge logo.

What I notice is the most over used product placement tactic, and it’s so normal that probably consumers don’t even need to deliberate about the product presented, are cars used in movies. The James Bond Ford was exactly like any car commercial on TV zooming by until you see James Bond himself. This also applies to Will Smith’s driving the Mustang.

Although the products are not subtle at all, it is so obvious that it sticks into the consumer’s mind. Highly effective but irritating.