Social Media with Sumanjit

Digital Identity

July 25th, 2010 · No Comments

Do information professionals  need a digital identity? Are we the leaders of the social media phenomenon? Should we be embedded in digital spaces?

These are all questions information professionals need to consider when using social media tools. Is having a digital identity important for us? I think so. Having a presence in the digital space allows us to get our name out there and network, especially at the beginning of our careers. Having a digital identity also allows us to meet other professionals in our field and fields that we support. This can open up opportunities to collaborate with others.

By building an identity you are also more aware of what is going on in our field or out in the general world. We want to know what issues are effecting the public as they can be related to user needs. A digital presence can create opportunities to connect to users. They can be patrons that come into the library or not. Some patrons prefer to interact online compared to having a face-to-face interaction. If a patron knows about you via the internet beforehand then they might be more comfortable to contact you for assistance. At the end of the day it is about the user and their needs.

Not everyone feels comfortable about having a digital identity or being embedded in digital spaces. There are many concerns with having your name out on the internet. Not everyone wants to share what they are doing or information about themselves. There are other dangers as well related to internet stalking or slandering. However, I think it is up to the individual person who is creating a digital identity to set these guidelines for themselves. Put yourself out there as far as you want or feel comfortable doing. The rest will just fall into place.

I am a very private person and remember feeling very uncomfortable posting anything about myself on the internet. After further experience with social media tools I have learned to find my own comfort zone. It eventually grows. Last year or previously I would never have thought to post a picture of myself on the internet. Besides protecting my privacy I am very camera shy. However, I have reached the level to do so as I have posted a picture of myself on the “About” page. Everything happens in due time or when you are ready. I have always had privacy issues so it is hard for me to just put myself out there. Maybe that is one of the benefits of using social media because there is a wide variety of tools to choice from that can suit different individuals.

Another issue that people have surrounding digital identities and being embedded in digital spaces is related to privacy. Is someone always watching you? Could it be the government, a facilitator of a social platform or a hacker? Is this “something” influencing your activities or recording what you are doing? These ideas are related to the Panopticon theory that we are all prisoners and someone is watching from above. These ideas do make me feel uncomfortable at times when using certain programs or the internet. Maybe Google is watching us and creating/storing a data bank of information on all of us. I don’t have a solution to this idea, but can only say that do what is professional so that you have no reason to be afraid or concerned.

Image retrieved from and is licensed under the creative commons by Matthew Burpee’s photostream.

Tags: Module Reflections

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