6:45am: Force myself to get out of bed and start getting ready for school. Why did I choose a class that starts at 9am? Tip: Don’t do this unless you get off early in the day or you live on campus
7:35am: Run out the door to catch my bus. I’m ready for my 1hour+ commute due to Rush Hour
8:45am-8:50ish: Speed walk to class from the UBC bus loop
9:00am-12:50pm: Yay sitting in lectures trying to stay awake and running around from building to building
1:00pm-4:00pm: A lovely 3 hour break where I eat, attempt to do homework, attempt to study, and get all my internet procrastinating done so I’ll procrastinate less when I get home. Usually I grab a drink from Starbucks or Tim Hortons in order to stay awake in my last class
4:50pm: FREE AT LAST! I quickly walk to the bus loop
6:00pm: Home Sweet Home
9:00pm: After eating dinner, showering, and chilling; I attempt to study and do some homework
11:30pm: Goodnight!