Banned pet stores in San Diego

There have been many reports showing the abuse animals receive in some retail pet stores. Overcrowded facilities, fecal waste throughout the cages, and starving animals are some of the examples that are proof of the “inhumane” treat those animals are receiving from those retailing pet stores. It is actually an unethical behavior due to the fact that the owners of the pet stores are only looking for their own good (by not spending the necessary time and effort taking care of the animals), and not for the good of, the animals conjunct with their business.

Given these events all over the United States, a nonprofit group called The Companion Animal Protection Society, or CAPS started investigating pet shops and the dog-breeding industry and made some campaigns against it. Later on many other nonprofit organizations followed its example and started campaigns against those animal abuses. Because of the popularity and the certainty, governments from different states began to ban those retail pet stores three years ago. Finally, San Diego (which is now the second largest city in the U.S. to ban the retail pet stores) joined that group of cities and states that will make a change for those animals.

Here´s a link to the article: