Archive for January 3rd, 2010

Jan 03 2010


Published by under Uncategorized

Here I am, back in Vancouver reminiscing on my time back home. It seemed so short, filled with so many amazing memories, seeing old friends, catching up on stories, and celebrating the holidays with family. I’m so utterly content with everything that’s happened. And to think, I got so caught up in it all that the Blog Squad actually disappeared from my memory for a time period! It wasn’t until Ebakes blog like facebook video to her friends made me realize how much I’m failing at doing my part.

So basically, majority of the time spent was with friends. About 30% was family time, regretfully admitted. More or less, I had repeated visits to local resteraunts, starbucks, movies, and splitzville; a newly renovated bowling alley/bar that didn’t card, bahah. Then there were the Christmas parties, and probably the most epic new years party I’ve yet to experience. I found myself wishing I had more time back in the hammer, but truthfully, there was a need for normality as well. In the past 4 months, the constant reading, 3 AM shinanygins, and exploring campus, has all become part of the norm routine. Not to mention all the friends that have been made; UBC is nothing without them. I kinda call Vancouver home now.

So a list of things to do in the near/immediate future;

–          Get settled into rez, unpack appropriately (note to self, don’t forget keys)

–          Go over distance education tutorials for EOSC course

–          Update resume and fill out application for Residential Advisory next year

–          Housing application for first year, keep forgetting!! (anyone else worrying about lottery?)

–          Figure out my New Years resolutions

That’s all I can think of atm. More to come soon! I’m thinking one New Years resolution can be updating the blog more often? That’s a good start :).

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