Archive for January 29th, 2010

Jan 29 2010

Sock Wars, the subdefinition of Paranoia

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So, Totem’s Dene is participating in the epic game of sock wars, or “assasins” as called in Ontario.

Essentially, the name of the game is to get socked. At the beginning of the game, everyone participating is assigned a target. This could be anyone in the building. There are also safety items. If you have this item on you, and your target sees you, he/she can’t sock you.

So rules of the game are as follows;

1)      You must sock your target when he/she doesn’t have his/her safety item on them.

2)      Your room is a safety zone unless you invite the person who has YOU in.

3)      Bathrooms of the same sex are safety zones.

4)      You must report that you hit your target within 24 hours to the house president, otherwise the hit is void.

So the past week, everyone has been on edge. Our safety item were a pair of sunglasses. Doesn’t sound like much right? Wrong. It’s kinda stupid when you’re wearing sunglasses on your head at the birdcoop or in class when it’s a rainy day! I got some weird looks. But whatever, its all part of the fun. I’ve been forced to condition myself to always have those glasses on me.

Thursday, 1:34 AM. Fire alarm goes off in Dene and Nootka. I’m groggy. I’m annoyed. I reach for my regular glasses, and completely forget about my sunglasses. We all walk outside to the commons block, and the second I walk out of Dene, I realize how vulnerable I am. I start freaking out, my heart skips beats. I’m desperately trying to find sunglasses. We all walk into the commons block, and I see the person that has me as a target, on her tippy toes, searching and scoping me out.

I’m not sure how you guys feel right after waking up, but stuff doesn’t make much sense to me. For the longest time I hid behind my friend while my assassin searched for me. Next thing I know, she’s sprinting at me, sock in hand. Instead of running to the guys bathroom, which was 2 steps away, I ran to the other side of the commons, screaming bloody murder and making a commotion. Mark ended up in the girls bathroom. Inevitably, I got socked. So so bitter.

Now everyone around me gets to wear their next safety item for a week straight, which I can happily say would go against my hygienic code. Those still in have to walk around in their Dene house shirts. Sucks, because you cant wash it without being scoped out, and almost nothing goes well with orange.

That`s my rant.

On a side note. I hope everyone voted. Its kind of a big deal!

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