Archive for January 14th, 2010

Jan 14 2010

Summer Job, or Residential Advising?

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Kinda obvious what I want to do. I didn’t see Ebakes there, but I was over on the right hand side of the room, laughing at the fact that the RA alumni were practically all married to eachother, so to speak. One of the guys mentioned he had 4 UBC RAs in his family? Makes sense.

Being an RA has been an interest of mine for a solid few months now, and it all started with befriending the advisors themselves. I went to the “Make Your Mark” presentation and I came out with an even cooler outlook on the job. Not only do you get to meet tons of cool new people, you also learn tons of life skills that look really good on a resume. Who knows, maybe I’ll even meet Mrs. Right and join the society of married advisors, haha.

Watch out future first years, Mark is about to do his rounds.

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