Archive for January 6th, 2010

Jan 06 2010

TwentyTen Resolutions

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Yesterday I went to the coop since like…start of exams? And let me say that I’m slightly disgruntled. My body has gotten so used to not working out, that it basically went to crap and shut down on me. I was lifting 10 – 20 pounds less on certain exercises then I was before. Kind of a let down. So basically, Mark is kicking it back into high gear.

When I first signed up for the coop, my goal “plan sexy by December” was to look so different that people back home wouldn’t recognize me. Majority of the people couldn’t. This had to do with my drastic hair change (hair-apy after thinking I failed my first midterm), and me filling out 17 pounds. Yet, I didn’t get the results I wanted!

So the new years resolutions is to work out 4 times a week, an hour and a half each. Only trouble is, sometimes its hard to group certain body sections per day; I tend to jumble workouts.

I’m taking the same supplements as before, only this time I’m trying to not forget about them. There were days where they were just not taken due to oversleeping and leaving in a rush, hah.

I’m taking:

Whey Protein Supplement, low calorie (NOT a weight gainer)

Genuine Health products, including Lean+ and Abs+, these both contain natural ingredients such as green tea extract, and tonalin CLA which supports faster fat loss, and increased production of muscle fibres.

So in any case, I’m hoping, the new revised “plan sexy by birthday (april)” will be a bigger success then the first.

What are YOUR resolutions guys? Best of luck!


P.S. I noticed a huge increase of people at the gym, which could only mean that many others have the same goal in mind.

P.P.S. My pecks hurt today, whooo! Yesterdays workout must be new and more intense muscle tears. Stoked!

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