Jan 16 2010

10 Bucks I’ve got dementia

Published by at 4:57 pm under Uncategorized

Ok that’s going a bit far, but my life has been a ridiculous abyss where everything is lost everywhere. Before I’d misplace the occasional item, get upset about it, and then get over it. But, this problem seems to be getting worse.

For example, I misplaced my rez keys 6 times since I’ve been here. That’s a $95 dollar surcharge because they have to completely replace the lock if its lost.

Next is my wallet. That was a borderline nightmare. Scratch that. That WAS a nightmare. It happened right before the Christmas break, and I almost didn’t get to fly home because I had NO identification. Luckily though the Translink Lost and Found centre downtown had it. Getting there is a whole other story, haha.

And the icing on the cake is the helmet and goggles that are somewhere in Whistler now. This past weekend, I was double checking for my phone, wallet, and keys every 20 minutes. No word of a lie. As I was walking out of the change room, guess who forgets to check for the helmet! Ces’t la vie. I get to use my spare goggles and go helmetless and be stupid until I get a new one.

So for those of you like me, here are three key rules I’m going to start following to avoid losing and misplacing things:

  1. Organization: Your things must have a special place. Never leave your things wherever you are. Go put each thing in its specific place so that you’ll be able to find everything automatically, even if your room is messy.
  2. Verification: Always verify if you are bringing with you everything you need when you are leaving the home of another place. Always check to see if your keys, wallet, cellular phone, umbrella, etc., are with you. Verify even if you are sure they are with you. This way you can make this verification an automatic reaction that will help you prevent future problems.
  3. Attention: Since you know you have this problem: you are always forgetting and losing something, pay attention to everything and don’t be indifferent to this characteristic of your personality, because it will make you suffer.

I really hope these rules help. By the way, anyone going up to Whistler any upcoming weekends? Give me a shout! Maybe we can shred together !

One response so far

One Response to “10 Bucks I’ve got dementia”

  1. Eastwoodon 17 Jan 2010 at 8:37 pm

    No sign of Neurofibrillary tangles or Amyloid plaques? Good, you owe me 10 bucks 😛

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