Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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#069: Of precocious children and one-liners

October 24th, 2009 by Mary Leong

Currently listening to: “Fashionable People” – Joel Plaskett Emergency

I do hate to use the excuse of life and work distracting me from updating on a semi-regular basis; alas, I must throw that out here. Amidst the steady loop of midterms (take one) and term papers and midterms (take two) and commitments to various extracurriculars, this sad blog seems to have fallen by the wayside. Mea culpa. Nevertheless, it’s nice to note that as we hurl ourselves into the neverending cyclone of paper and pen, there is much cheeriness around to be thankful for.

Such as the hilariously inquisitive comments of the young. The other night at work, the up escalator was broken (leading to much grumbling from all parts, including a slightly batty old lady – but that’s really a whole other story). This conversation between myself and a small-ish child followed.

Child: (befuddled) Why is there no up escalator?
Me: Well, it’s broken.
Child: Oh. (pause) Will it be there next time we come back?
Me: Yes. Yes, it will.

That takes me to the man behind me on the bus, who, in a startling fit of insight, provided us with the following gem.

“I wish buses could fly.”

Man, trust me, so do I. Especially if it were to be a flying double-decker bus. That would take us to new heights of flying vehicular frenzy.

In more personal news, I am now, as of yesterday morning, officially Canadian. My roommates, delightful bats they are, have been entertaining me all day with their pitch-perfect renditions of “Canadian Please“. It is kitschy, gloriously cheesy, and alarmingly catchy. The inner political geek in me does loop-de-loops and twirls of joy at the prospect of being eligible to exercise my ~voting rights~. It is all rather exciting!

With reference to my previous post, I still have yet to acquire a laundry card. The washing of clothing in the sink seems to have gone rather splendidly so far. Though I am on the verge of caving; we have some rather grotty-looking dish towels which could use a good tumble wash.

Alas, the Poli Sci paper I’m supposed to be researching beckons. Back to the murky world of the IMF and World Bank! Thank god I actually enjoy reading about this stuff. Till the next time, dear readers, I bid thee adieu.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Eastwood Oct 25, 2009 at 11:24 am

    Congrats for becoming Canadian!

  • 2 Mary Leong Nov 2, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    @Eastwood: Thank you! It is all rather exciting!