Currently listening to: “21 Guns” – American Idiot: The Musical (Berkley Rep. Cast)
At this rate, I am going to have to forcibly plunk myself in the library where it will be publicly unacceptable to play the ukulele instead of studying lest the masses descend screaming bloody murder. In fact, there are many, many benefits to studying in various libraries, and public spaces in general. I shall procrastinate by elaborating.
Really Fantastic Places to Study:
1. The Pendulum
Great pastries and coffee to accompany major paper-writing sessions. The peanut butter squares are particularly delectable. Drip coffee is good and cheap, as is the rest of the food selection. Aim for the table in the corner way at the back for ample book-sprawling room. Also great for people-watching.
2. The Boulevard
Two words: hot chocolate. I don’t know how they make it so good. Wait till it quietens down a little around 5 pm as the Boulevard is usually fairly packed during lunchtime/the 3 pm rush. And if you’re lucky, you might be able to monopolize a couch near the outlets for the rest of the evening.
3. Music Library, if you can find it
Ensconce yourself in one of the little cubicles towards the back where all the ancient music scores are. The musty smell of old books definitely sets the tone (no pun intended!) of Being Academic and Proper. Cram to the tune of someone playing some symphonic bit or other. It’s like having a live professional orchestra there- oh, wait.
4. Buchanan B: the pretty lounge-y areas with benches inscribed with witty statements
High-ish traffic passing through means that people shoot you highly unamused looks as you start to get antsy and begin wandering around in a distracted manner. On the same note, I suppose some people find the silent rooms in Irving quite useful too, though I’ve always found them a little too disconcertingly quiet for my taste.
Check back later for my post on Why Studying in Public Places is So Much More Effective. I assure you, it will be written in a fit of equal distraction. Meanwhile, let me direct you to F*** Yeah, Protest, and Failbook…
Have fun, dearies. Don’t stay up too late.
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