Currently listening to: “I Hate Camera” – The Bird and the Bee
I shan’t be redundant and reiterate what’s already all over the interwebs, so I shall simply direct you to my good friend the Ubyssey, before presenting some last thoughts on all this.
Yes, it was messy, it was dirty, and it was a complete trainwreck. But it got students thinking. We could ask if it really took something this drastic to draw attention from students, especially about something which ought to be at the forefront of our minds. Indeed, we could ask if this would have happened if there had been higher levels of student involvement to begin with. All this bodes very interestingly for the upcoming AMS elections, which you can bet this blogger will be scruntinizing closely.
On a separate note, last night’s meeting was characterized by polar opposites when it came to expression. Eloquence battled with utter lack of decorum: as impressed as I am with the level of thought and effort placed into some statements, I continue to be baffled by the amount of rudeness exhibited. Hooting and shouting and booing punctuated by shrill giggling at any contrary opinion, particularly from one side of this divide. Hint: Heckling doesn’t change opinions; there is generally simply a sense of great unprofessionalism all around.
Well, it’s all well done, but the aftermath lives: we shall see how this all pans out in the long run.
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