Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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#099: Grand Dérangement @ Place de la Francophonie

February 17th, 2010 by Mary Leong

Currently listening to: “Dear Elkhorn” – Said the Whale

grand dérangement

Tap-dancing Acadian fiddlers rapping, playing jigs, and singing the blues. If that doesn’t already sound like a recipe for an epic evening, I don’t know what does. Named for the Acadian expulsion from Nova Scotia (historical context woohoo!), Grand Dérangement was definitely a delightful treat which Cameron and I stumbled upon on our cross-Vancouver Olympic adventure. We had arrived at the Place de la Franco this afternoon as we poked around Granville Island; upon hearing their rehearsal and soundcheck, we were so blown away that we simply had to return to watch their actual show. And what a show it was! These incredibly diverse tap-dancing musicians rocked their way through a continuous stream of toe-tapping crowd-rousing pieces including Acadian rap, Irish ceilidh-inspired tunes, jazzy blues, and traditional Nova Scotian folk songs. In addition, the crowd was fantastic- kids were dancing circles around their parents, while exuberant audience members linked arms, singing and circle-dancing along. The atmosphere was brimming with a frisson of life I’m glad the Olympics have roused in sleepy Vancouverites. Overall, we definitely had ourselves a most brilliant Atlantic Canadian evening and I’m looking forward to seeing more this Sunday from Ode à l’Acadie (6 pm) before the Cowboys Fringants show at 7.30 pm!

Check them out on their website and MySpace pages.

Twenty-second videoclip of the performance. Yes, my camera is definitely not of the fancy videotaping variety.

(On that note, my fellow bloggers, how are you guys getting your YouTube videos and such to embed? Technological ineptness aside, I cannot seem to get it to work.)

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6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Tyler Feb 17, 2010 at 7:58 am

    I have a plugin installed that let’s me embed things; I’m not sure if your blog has it installed or not…

  • 2 Tyler Feb 17, 2010 at 7:59 am

    Well, I guess you could try it; worst case scenario you just have to delete it:

    Adding a v after http does it on mine

  • 3 Mary Leong Feb 19, 2010 at 1:08 am

    Hey Tyler, thanks for the suggestions, but they don’t seem to be working here. Eeeep. Alright, I shall poke around some more and figure it out soon hopefully!

  • 4 yamyam Feb 19, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    That’s weird, I just have youtube button in my toolbar, quite easy to use.
    Check your Settings (General.) My youtube button option is turned on.

  • 5 Rabi Sun Feb 28, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    Well, you could go to the youtube video and there should be an area that says “embed”. All you have to do is copy and paste that into your post. Just make sure you choose the “HTML” section. There’s a visual and HTML section.



  • 6 Rabi Sun Feb 28, 2010 at 2:02 pm

    P.S. I’m jealous you got to see that. I have this thing for fiddle music now…