Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#035: Requesting some help!

December 28th, 2008 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “Hey Jack Kerouac” – 10 000 Maniacs Ottawa, August ’08 Fuji Sensia, ISO 100, cross-processed I’m getting to the very very last of my expired Fuji Sensia film (expired 2006), and I’ve had no luck in finding a greater variety of slide films anywhere. I love the cross-processed Sensia look, but sometimes […]


#034: Too adorable.

December 20th, 2008 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “Lying in the Dark” – Pushing Daisies OST Since the end of semester, between my two jobs, I’ve been practically working full-time. At Indigo, getting trained to do cashier work has provided me with ample opportunities for witnessing chortle-worthy events, resulted in me dealing with potentially aggravating customers, and despite all the […]

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#033: And…madness…now!

December 17th, 2008 Comments Off on #033: And…madness…now!

Currently listening to: “Hey Jude” – The Beatles Cue exclamation marks, potential capslocking of glee, and other such. It snowed! I got off work, and stepped out of Indigo, and watched little swirls of snowflakes drift and dance and tumble! It was the loveliest thing. There’s the prettiest, lightest sprinkling of snow on the ground- […]


#031/032: Of procrastination, finals, and snowfall

December 12th, 2008 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “Love Story” – Taylor Swift I HAVE NOTICED A GRIEVOUS ERROR IN THE NUMBERING OF MY POSTS. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ENTRY NUMBER THIRTY-TWO (32). Mary’s back in the blogosphere! What have I been doing for the past nine days or so? Well, the answer is quite simple- in a word […]

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#030: Wise words, my dears

December 3rd, 2008 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “Miraz Crowned” – Harry Gregson-Williams (The Chronicles of Narnia OST) Two quotes from dear friends of mine, who are wise beyond their years. I thought I might share. On life, and being eighteen: “Well, you’re young, and you think you’re invincible, and then you start to grow older…and then you realize that […]
