Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#023: Books and memories, oh my!

November 11th, 2008 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “9 to 5” – Dolly Parton Today, at work, a gentleman came up to me and requested the following book: Less relevant, at least for my purposes, is the content of the book. Suffice to say, Jared Diamond is a freaking genius, and if you are the least bit interested in anthropology […]


#022: Christmas is not now.

November 3rd, 2008 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “Garçon” – Koxie I was in the mall last Friday afternoon, frantically scrabbling for bits and pieces for my Halloween costume. Alack, guess what starts playing in Sears? SILVER FREAKING BELLS. Yes. “Silver bells, silver bells. It’s Christmas time in the city.” NO, IT IS NOT. It was October then; it’s November […]


#021: Ray of illumination?

October 29th, 2008 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “Filthy/Gorgeous” – Scissor Sisters When you’re little, everything seems so clear. Growing up simply taints things with a muddy boot. I recall being nine, and being absolutely gripped by the desire to write. Absolutely convinced that I was going to become a writer at some point in my life, I wrote all […]


#020: Cages or wings, which do you prefer?

October 26th, 2008 Comments Off on #020: Cages or wings, which do you prefer?

Currently listening to: “Louder Than Words” – tick, tick…BOOM! So, two things. 1. “Louder Than Words” from Jonathan Larson’s very first musical, tick, tick…BOOM! (Revival, please???) I’ve been listening to this song for the past fifteen minutes. The lyrics have absolutely hooked me in, sucking me in even deeper in this whirlpool of Jonathan Larson-love […]

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#019: Miscellaneous prattle.

October 22nd, 2008 1 Comment

Currently listening to: an inane conversation I’m eavesdropping on I’m currently hovering in the foyer of Swing, waiting for Psych to start in a little over half an hour. After getting up early to surprise a friend for her birthday, and a delightful cup of coffee, I find myself returning to update this blog. Life […]
