Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#064: Fashion and the (starving) university student

August 24th, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “Manchester England” – Hair (2009 New Broadway Cast) This is a bit of a throwback to Phoebe’s blog entries (one and two) from ages ago, with regards to campus trends and sartorial choices. A new school year is coming up in two (!) weeks, and what better way to celebrate/mourn (take your […]


#063: An update! Really!

August 16th, 2009 10 Comments

Currently listening to: “Dance Anthem of the 80s” – Regina Spektor I emerge from my self-imposed hermitude (?! is that a word? I don’t really care, because it looks rather wicked) to dash off a brief – and haphazardly thrown-together – blog post. Self-imposed hermitude is not due to the usual anti-social tendencies. Instead, it’s […]

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#062: More summer readin’

July 19th, 2009 5 Comments

Currently listening to: “Camping Ste-Germaine” – Les Cowboys Fringants In my previous post, I mentioned reading two books lately, one of which was reviewed and discussed in the last entry. After having rambled about blogging earlier, today’s entry focuses on university education…of sorts. Having briefly flipped through The Unlikely Disciple at work the other day, […]


#061: of books on blogs

July 15th, 2009 1 Comment

Currently listening to: “The Fear” – Lily Allen Two books I’ve read in the past bit, the first on blogging, and the second one on university education (of sorts). Both rather appropriate for this medium, I think. Today I’ll talk about the first one; in a few days, I shall blog about the second. Sheeple: […]


#058: No, I haven’t abandoned this blog.

May 20th, 2009 1 Comment

Currently listening to: sorry, music-less at the moment. Yes, it is true and unfortunate. My apologies for being missing in action for the past two months or so! Eastwood’s comment reminded me that I had neglected to update this blog for the longest time, so I’ll give a brief summary of life the past bit, […]

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