Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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Entries Tagged as 'Miscellaneous'

#051: Beavertails are tasty. End.

February 20th, 2009 3 Comments

Currently listening to: “Defying Gravity” – Wicked So the media is right on the heels of a certain U.S. President Barack Obama, a complete media circus complete with overanalyzing political analysts (sidenote- am I the only one who thinks Canada needs some good political pundits? I definitely think that Rick Mercer and Russell Peters should […]


#050: A tale of two books

February 14th, 2009 3 Comments

Currently listening to: “M79” – Vampire Weekend Before I start, [insert obligatory yay-reading-break-huzzah comment here]. So I bought two (2) books yesterday. Yes, it’s always the same old story. Work at a bookstore, can’t leave without getting something. In any case, one of the books was absolutely bloody brilliant, and the other one was a […]


#049: Even more adventures in photography!

February 10th, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “If You Seek Amy” – Britney Spears Second roll of Elitechrome 200. I’m intrigued by the bluish effects- I did the exact same process to my first roll of Elitechrome, which turned out a lot greener. Cross processing does yield such incredibly unpredictable results, you just gotta love that stuff. Granville Island […]


#046: Drinking before three, what?

January 22nd, 2009 2 Comments

Currently listening to: “I Fought the Law” – Dead Kennedys These few days have brought way too many entertaining anecdotes. First sandwich man, now this romping troupe of jokers I ran into at approximately 3 p.m. a jolly Tuesday afternoon…and more stories to come in the next couple of days, I don’t want to reveal […]


#044: I believe, I believe, I believe…oh I believe.

January 18th, 2009 Comments Off on #044: I believe, I believe, I believe…oh I believe.

Currently listening to: “My Junk” – Spring Awakening OBCR
