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Archive for November 30th, 2010

Fiesta Bowl

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Frito-Lay sponsors the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, one of five Bowl Championship Series games. This season, the Fiesta Bowl is the host for the BCS National Championship game; a game that draws in over 30 million viewers.

Glendale, Arizona consists of a 36% Latino or Hispanic population, and the Tostitos tortillas are under the genre of Mexican cuisine. This brand exposure associated Tositios with the passion, pride, and excitement of college football. Many of these games have attendance over 70,000 fans. Not only does Tostitos gain enormous brand exposure during the Fiesta Bowl, but they are also promoting a product often found at football games. Many households put on parties for major sporting events like the BCS National Championship and tortilla chips are a very popular item sold in stadiums and bought as snacks for football parties. Tostitos has found a major sporting event that has a relation to their product. By investing into the Fiesta Bowl, they boost their marketing campaign by gaining exposure to an audience and demographic suited for their product.

Written by matthewho2

November 30th, 2010 at 9:38 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Apple did it…

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Call 911! Apple has killed the CD (compact disk)!

It all started with the change of their itunes logo when releasing itunes 10.0

Next was the release of the Macbook Air, which has no optical drive

And finally, they introduced the Mac App Store

This innovation has led to shift in smaller, thinner, lighter, and optical drive-less laptops. Much like the extinction of the floppy disk, the compact disk is soon to be erased. Apple has used the power of their brand name to take on this initiative. After seeing the success of their mobile app store, bringing an app store to personal computers is a very good investment. This initiative not only allows for Apple to receive profits from apps sold through their store, but also allows more developers to create applications for Apple products. And by offering more opportunities for 3rd-party developers and consumers, more Apple products such as their Mac series will attract interest from potential buyers. The Macbook Air is the future of Laptops, and Apple’s app store will soon change the way consumers purchase programs for their computers.

Written by matthewho2

November 30th, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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