Reflection: Web Folio

Hello Classmates,

The creation of a web folio was a reflection of what I learned in English 301 Technical Writing. In addition to showcasing my best work written during the class, I also wanted to present all the content in a fashion that would be attractive to potential employers. Uploading my technical writing assignments without any typographical errors was only half of the equation. The other half would include attaching visuals, additional evidence, and formatting an appealing website. These factors may often be overlooked in professional settings, but are essential to making a good impression and engaging the audience, whoever this may be.

I chose to build my web folio on UBC Blogs, as I familiarized myself with its format throughout the summer semester. At the start of the course, even simple and menial tasks such as uploading an image were frustrating. As the course progressed, creating novel content and designing structure became easier, and I was finally able to upload, edit, and customize my website to showcase not only my ideas, but my personality as well.

Similar to many of the assignments I was asked to complete throughout the English 301 Technical Writing course, creating the web folio ensured I paid attention to my audience. The content had to make logical sense to its readers, and I had to supplemented my work with suffice evidence and visuals to guide the reader. Additionally, the tone and style I wrote with attempted to portray my personality throughout the web folio: friendly, yet professional and technical. Finally, the course had established the importance of peer and self review. I would subsequently review the web folio several times to ensure there were no grammatical or typographical errors in my writing.

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