Current Trends in International Trade (Asia Pacific & Canada)

Find trends and the latest research in the field of international trade, specifically with Asia Pacific and Canada in the following articles and tools.

Virtual Trade Missions: A Post-COVID Reality

International travel restrictions will be imposed as long as the virus is here. Consequently, international trade missions will have to evolve, as they are critical to Canada’s economic relations with the rest of the world. Trade and investment are still needed, and virtual trade missions may be the alternative to face-to-face meetings with overseas partners.

Virtual Trade Missions

Investment Monitor

This tool illustrates the investment relations between Canada and the Asia Pacific. You can view data both by year and by industry.

Investment Monitor

This graph portrays capital investment deals from the Asia Pacific in Canada, in the year of 2020.


Assessing the Risks to Canadian Investments in the Asia Pacific in the COVID-19 Era

This publication attempts to assess the risks and opportunities Canadian companies and governments take on as their operations in the Asia Pacific continue to be affected by the pandemic.

Assessing the Risk of Canadian Investment in Pacific Asia