All the JOYS of UBC life

UBC Blog Squad asks:

What you think your biggest challenge will be in your first year?

Save the date: September 8th 2009, marks day one of our FIRST YEAR AT UBC and the beginning of hell a new chapter of our lives. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to all the joys of university life that I’ve heard my upperclassmen speak so…fondly of:

  • Getting lost on UBC’s “sprawling” campus. (Yes, quoted from Maclean’s Guide to Canadian University which has been my bible for the past year)
  • Cramming all my (contrary to what my mom says) necessities (hello, you never know when you’re going to need 30 shirts, 20 pairs of pants, 10 pairs of shoes, 5 jackets, a cowboy hat…can you tell I’m from Alberta?) into my new dorm room, the size of a broom closet.
  • I heard you can sent university students into a frenzy of panic attacks with two words: MIDTERMS & FINALS. Yet to be tested, anyone want to be my lab rat?
  • Vancouver = rain, rain and more rain. Good thing I have those 5 jackets.

Sarcasm aside, I think my biggest challenge in my first year will be:

Finding my place in UBC (making new friends, getting use to a new city, living away from home, getting use to all the changes…etc)

Well either that, or finding a way to cram my wardrobe into that broom closet.

Haven’t decided yet.