The Master Procrastinator

School hasn’t even begun but the master procrastinator is already hard at work.

This is what happens when you procrastinate: hanging out with people.

No, I am not a hermit. No, I don’t consider hanging out with people a chore. But with 2 months of summer, can you really blame me to think that there is plenty of time to spend quality time with each and everyone of my friends and family? So whenever someone wanted to catch a movie or go hiking, my reply would be “Of course, just not tonight. Let’s hang out before I leave for BC.” Well you can guess how the story goes…


2 months quickly turned into 4 days and this is what my procrastination has left me with today:

– 4 crammed days of social activities (poor me, eh?)

– 3 um…frustrated friends whom I had to cancel on again. (Sorry guys, you know I still love you)

– 2 empty suitcases waiting to be filled. (uh-oh)

– 1 over tired, soon-to-be university student

Lesson learned: stop procrastinating?!?

…like that’ll ever happen.