Vice-President, Students Emerging Leaders Program

Now try saying that 5 times really fast

This is about a week late. But nevertheless,

Event: Commencement

To be honest with you, the word “Commencement” sounded kind of intimidating to me initially. Reminds me of graduation and all that fancy jazz. However within moments of arriving at Ponderosa Centre (bet you guys don’t know where this building is), I was so relief to find the atmosphere so chillax. Although the icebreakers were somewhat of a fail (sorry but “mingling” activity with that many people in a room was chaotic), the rest of the evening was lots of fun though. Free food + new people to meet + good conversations = VP Students Emerging Leaders Program Commencement. A very good combination.

Can’t wait to get started with the program. Also Go Global (students did presentations during commencement) seems like a good way to get involve overseas. I’m definitely checking out their booths in the SUB tomorrow. (I mean today, since it is 2am…again) & you should too!