Rude Awakening @ 2am

It’s 2 am and I’m sitting in front of my freshly opened Calc textbook, desperately trying to finish 3 weeks worth of assignments in one night before the math quiz tomorrow. Smart eh?

I’m armed with my 1L bottle of Pepsi, a bag of munchies (hello freshman 15), a box of tissue (have you notice that everyone is sick lately?). I KNOW this is going to be one long night. This is what the accumulation of my laziness/slacking off/procrastinating/partying has left me with right now…

Advice for future university students: Don’t put anything off. I miss those HS days where I could procrastinate for weeks and still get high marks. Here it’s like you put something off for one day and next thing you know, that workload has triple…and you’re behind (again).

Here’s a rude awakening: Chem midterm next thursday?!? When did this happen? I feel like I haven’t even learnt anything… Definitely time to get into intense school mode.