The Holidays

Fantastic so far. Except for a certain rude awakening on the SSC website. Hint: Might have to do with courses and marks. (Yes admit it, that did send shivers down your spine) ‘Nuff said.


The holidays just wouldn’t be the holiday without:

1. The wonderful airport, holiday time. Because there is just no better way to kick off the season than a 3 hour delayed flight, annoying kids who like to kick the back of plane seats and of course, the practical definition of air travel: the shrilling babies.

2. Meeting up with all your friends from home. & realizing how many people you’ve lost touched with over 4 short months and how some people just seem to fade away. But the people that matter, the important ones, well they always got your back and nothing will ever change that.

3. A white Christmas. Never though I’d ever say that. I think snow is overrated, never been a huge fan. But after being in the city that never stops raining for the past 4 months, snow is nice change. (Be jealous all you Vancourites)

4. The 5 am lines outside BestBuy on Boxing Day. Because the holiday season is about giving to everyone…yourself included. (for all the gadgets that you didn’t get on Christmas)

5. Ringing in the New Year. Whether you choose to spend it low key with a quiet night in, or go all out with the fancy dress and the champagne or somewhere in between. I think it’s all about celebrating the past and upcoming year with the people you care about. Forget about that new years resolution, it starts TOMORROW. Tonight’s all about you.

6. The Resolution. I am guilty of being one of those people, who set ridiculous goals each year resulting in inevitable failure after a few short weeks. Why should this year be any different? Sooo 1. Be on time and 2. Exercise more…or cut down on the Starbucks.

7. The return trip. Wow just when I thought airports couldn’t get any better…The late airplane terrorist stunt has reported to leave planes cancelled, tighter security and longer wait times. Hopefully Canadian flights aren’t too bad, I guess I’ll find out firsthand on Sunday.

8. Back to UBC. In 4 days time. I don’t even want to think about it. Don’t get me wrong, I MISS Vancouver and all the people. I miss shopping, white spot, rez life, fire alarms at 1am and I can even put up with the rain. But TERM 2?!? ewwww.

BOTTOM LINE: I could use a longer winter break. On the bright side, reading week is only 46 days away.