Facebook Withdrawal

When a facebook addict swears of facebook, withdrawal symptoms become present almost immediately and will continue to grow in severity over the course of time.

Such symptoms could include (but not limited to):

Loss of appetite
Rapid heart rate
Clammy skin

If facebook withdrawal is suspected (presence of any number of these symptoms), please remain calm and seek medical help immediately.

HAHA. Just Joking.

But, I admit I’m a facebook addict. (Hey, they say the first step is realizing/admitting it, right?) So on day 1 of back to school, I decided to take it to the EXTREME and swear of facebook for the term. I got a friend to change my password since I apparently don’t have any self control. If anyone is considering this, warning: IT’S FREAKING HARD! & 2 weeks later, it’s still freaking hard! (Not proud to admit this, but I cracked today and after bribing my friend for the password, I got some fb time…tsk tsk shame on me) Damn I lasted 2 weeks, anyone up for a little challenge? Go ahead, try to break my record…IF YOU DARE. HAHA

Anyways, I’m overlooking the little blunder from this evening and I’m back onto my strict no-fb lifestyle again. GO ME. Wonder how long I’ll last this time?

1 day? 2 weeks? 1 month? The term? Any bets?

PS: BTW, I’m feeling much better since the after math of snowboarding episode.