Initial Thoughts on the Writing and Editing Processes

I learned so much in the first opportunity I had to write and reflect on my own work. In this assignment, we were given the chance to define a term for our peers, using guidelines laid out in the textbook. We then provided advice on a peer’s work, and then used their advice to improve our own writing.

My original definitions benefited significantly through the peer-review and self-editing process. After making edits to my work based on a peer-review, I found that returning to improve the article over time made a big difference. I have collected some further reflections on the entire writing process.

Stage One: Writing

When writing my definitions, it was difficult to strike a balance between providing enough information for a novice reader, but also being concise. I was able to achieve this in the end, but only after many edits. After reading Krystina’s work, I believe she had a slightly different issue. She had trouble simplifying the language to adapt to her audience of a novice reader.

Through Krystina’s review, I learned that I had originally misunderstood the instructions for a parenthetical definition. This could have been avoided through a more careful review of the relevant content in the textbook.

Stage Two: Peer Review

The advice from the textbook regarding peer reviews was particularly helpful. I found I had to complete several drafts of my peer-review in order to make my tone supportive rather than judgemental. Maintaining a friendly tone while providing accurate critiques was not as easy as I had suspected!

It can also be difficult to see errors in expression in your own work, and a set of fresh eyes was beneficial when creating my definitions. There were still a few small mistakes, which Kyrstina was able to highlight and explain. This demonstrates the true importance of peer-review. At one point in my review of Krystina’s work, I was tempted to omit a minor mistake she had made in the interest of conciseness. After reading her review of my work, however, I realized that even these small edits are extremely important.

Stage Three: Self-editing

I saw the benefit of being extremely specific in what doesn’t work and why when it came to self-editing my own definitions. Krystina gave me extremely detailed instructions on what was unclear about my own work. For example, I needed to elaborate on a point I made about montage, my chosen term. I was able to further explain how it was used in Soviet Russia to begin building a vocabulary of film-related terms. This makes it more comprehensible to the reader.

After reading the relevant information in the ‘Technical Communication’ textbook, I made new edits to my definitions. I noticed that in my article, I used a large, bulky paragraph in the ‘Content’ section. These long paragraphs limit the readability of the webpage. Gurak and Lannon also suggest creating interesting, specific headings in the text. I changed my heading from ‘Introduction’ to ‘The Importance of a Good Definition’ for this reason. Finally, I increased the amount of white space in my article after learning how much it improves the visual appearance of the web page.

The three stages of this project were equally useful in creating a polished article in the end. Getting feedback from friends and then through Krystina as a team member helped me significantly. From large concerns I had about the content of my definition down to the sentence structure and word choice, getting criticism from true ‘novice’ readers was crucial. I look forward to more opportunities for peer-review in the future!

Please take a moment to review my updated definitions here:

301 Meredith Gillespie Peer Reviewed Definitions

Krystina’s review of my assignment can be found here.

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Third Writing Team E-mail Request



Date: September 16th 2017 at 1:00 PM

Subject: A Request to Join my Professional Writing Team

Dear Cindy,

Your application to become part of a Professional Writing Team was excellent, and I would like to formally request that you join my team.

Two elements of your expertise have proven to me that you are the perfect addition to this team. Your ability to use intelligible phrasing in a variety of contexts will be particularly useful in our future work together. The tight deadlines you face as a meteorologist indicate your experience working under pressure. In your letter, you noted that you hope to improve your editing skills in this course. Since I am particularly adept at proofreading, I believe we would be an ideal team.

Please read my attached Letter of Application for further details of my credentials. If you agree that we would make an excellent team, please accept my request at your earliest convenience.


Meredith Gillespie
English 301 Student
University of British Columbia
Phone: (604) 838 2550

Enclosed: 301 Meredith Gillespie Application Letter







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Second Writing Team E-mail Request



Date: September 16th 2017 at 2:10 PM

Subject: Your Professional Writing Team Application

Good Afternoon Krystina,

Given your excellent credentials I am delighted to offer you a position on my Professional Writing Team.

I am confident that your academic and professional experience will be an asset to my Professional Writing Team. Your successful experience leading the UBC Tae Kwon Do Club demonstrates your ability to work well with others. Teamwork skills are an essential element to an effective Professional Writing Team. Our shared learning philosophy also ensures your suitability for this team. Like you, I prefer to work diligently and create mini-deadlines for myself to ensure there is enough time to review the work.

I attach my own Letter of Application for the Professional Writing Team. Please take a moment to review it for further evidence of my qualities. If you feel our skills are complementary and will create a successful team, please respond to this e-mail with your acceptance of the position.

Best regards,

Meredith Gillespie
English 301 Student
University of British Columbia
Phone: (604) 838 2550

Enclosed: 301 Meredith Gillespie Application Letter

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First Writing Team E-mail Request

Date: September 16th 2017 at 11:15 PM
Subject: Your Successful Application for a Professional Writing Team

Good Morning Gurjyot,

After reading a variety of applications, I would like to invite you to join my Professional Writing Team.

Your method of approaching tasks using objectives combined with your ability to prioritize project elements are what initially enticed me about your application. Your attention to detail regarding your vocabulary and tone will also be advantageous to this team. This is particularly important to effectively target our audience.

You can learn more about my credentials in the attached Letter of Application. If you think we can collaborate well, please accept my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Meredith Gillespie
English 301 Student
University of British Columbia
Phone: (604) 838 2550

Enclosed:301 Meredith Gillespie Application Letter



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English 301: Technical Writing Class


To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Meredith Gillespie

Date: September 15th 2017

Subject: My Letter of Application Has Been Submitted

As you requested in our online lesson, I have posted my Letter of Application to my blog website.

My qualifications for the position of writing team member are provided in my Letter of Application. These attributes are as follows:

  • Proven proficiency in proofreading texts carefully and working well with others
  • A clear learning philosophy for time management which has been applied academically and professionally
  • An ability to think creatively to create engaging content

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Enclosed: 301 Meredith Gillespie Application Letter


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Application Letter

1050 Maple Street

Vancouver, BC V6L1L5

September 12, 2017

Dear fellow students,

Please consider me for the position of professional writing team member. I am ideally suited for this position, as advertised on the English 301 Lesson 1.2 on September 12th. I gained technical writing skills through a summer internship with the Bermudian government which enabled me to be a strong contender in joining your team.

My professional goals to become an urban planner led me to an internship with the Government of Bermuda last summer. I elevated my ability to write professionally through creating a report which is soon to be published for public use. I learned that my skills lie in proofreading texts, but that I could work on adjusting my writing’s tone to better suit the audience. While I could be better organized in projects I take on, I collaborate well with others. Teamwork skills were necessary in collecting the data for my report.

Through my experience applying for jobs through the Arts Co-op Program, I developed a learning philosophy. When I first began applying for jobs, it was tempting at times to leave the application to the last minute. By setting deadlines for myself before the application was due, I learned to manage my time effectively and produce a high-quality application. I have since successfully applied this philosophy to my studies. I will use this strategy in our writing team to ensure we maintain within the scope of our assignments and within our time budget.

Working with students in Barcelona, Spain in my most recent co-op job further enhanced my ability to think creatively. This will be a particular asset to our writing team, especially in relation to our Web Folio project. I taught students between the ages of three and twelve at Escola Sant Gregori, the school I worked at in Spain. I learned to adjust my writing tone in my lesson plans to fit each year group’s level. Using creative strategies such as creating board games with grammar and vocabulary, I was able to inspire my students to pursue English further.

I believe my professional writing experience, teaching philosophy and ability to write creatively make me an excellent candidate for your writing team. If you feel I would be a useful contribution to your team, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 604-838-3020 or by e-mail at


Meredith Gillespie

Enclosed: Application Letter

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Hello and Welcome!

This blog will be a central location for the examples of business writing I will get an opportunity to write through this course. I am enthused by the idea of learning how to produce writing under new contexts such as a Web Folio. I am also looking forward to strengthening my writing skills in contexts I am already familiar with, such as proposals and abstracts.

The ability to write effectively in the business world has only become more important over time. With more students receiving an undergraduate degree at the very least in recent years, it has become even more difficult to ‘get your foot in the door’. Proving yourself adept at writing specifically for job postings, for example, can make the difference between being employed or not. Writing collaboratively will most certainly better prepare me for the workforce where projects and group work are commonplace.  I would also like to create a crisp, clear, professional website which can be provided in the job application process to prove my technical writing prowess!

One of the main purposes of the course is to develop self-editing skills. I expect to improve in this regard in this course, since there are many ways in which to self-reflect that are structured into the course. Peer review and online discussion are merely two of these opportunities.  One final objective I hope to achieve by the end of the course is to be able to write business correspondence. Learning to write for different sectors of the professional world is crucial, as some positions require communication with people in a different sector to your own. By being able to target my language to the audience, learning to self-reflect on my writing, and writing business correspondence, I hope to become a more successful professional post-graduation.

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