Highlighted Course Work


Definition Assignment

This assignment enabled students to educate their fellow classmates on a term from their professional background. It was an opportunity to not only attempt to explain a complex term but to expand its definitions to an uncommon level of depth, forcing us to dive in and highlight various importances.

Below, you can find my revised definitions of the term “Arterial” from my background at Mountainview, as well as a Peer Review I had given to a classmate in order for them to improve their own definition.

Revised Definition Assignment

Revised Peer Review of Definition Assignment

Formal Report

Within the Technical Writing course, multiple weeks were spent learning all the components of a Formal Analytical Report.

The report proposal was the first step in the process. This document outlines the background and statement of the issue being analyzed, and the main solution being argued within the report. It also touches on pre-report components such as the scope of questions for investigation, methods of research, and the qualifications that make you eligible for researching the proposed problem.

Revised Research Report Proposal

The progress report is precisely what it sounds like. This document outlines the work completed since your proposal, including the plan for gathering data, the survey and/or interview questions composed, the defined purpose of the report, the audience the report will be targeted at, and a full report schedule of deadlines.

Revised Progress Report

Attendee Survey Questions

Planner Survey Questions

After the primary draft writing process was completed (a report is never complete after one rendition!) I had the pleasure of peer-reviewing a classmate’s report. Because this report was such a large portion of our grades in this class, I really wanted to make sure that I was providing them with the best peer review that I could so that they would be able to improve their paper as much as possible. While peer-reviewing the draft, I tried to break it down by section as much as I could, providing both the positives and areas of improvement needed for finalization. While peer-reviewing takes time and can be tedious, it is a necessity for assignments such as these.

Peer Review of a Formal Report

Complaint & Response Letters

This assignment allowed students to put themselves in a conflict situation within the workplace and get creative with problematic scenarios.

In the Letter of Complaint assignment, students were able to draft a complaint letter towards a service, drawing from an issue they had dealt with in the past. For my letter, I drew from a situation my workplace is facing during the current COVID-19 pandemic. After creating an alias for the recipient, and expanding the problem into a much larger issue than what had actually occurred, I was off drafting my letter for submission.

Letter of Complaint

This assignment additionally forced students to take the opposite side of their work; we now had to respond to our own letter of complaint as the created alias. Normally in my specific situation, after reporting this type of problem the mindset of “I no longer have to deal with this issue” kicks in, as it is now someone else’s responsibility to deal with the issue. But in this case, I was forced to both report and resolve the issue, forcing me to be creative in drafting a response and solution in a kind and professional way,

Bad News Response Letter

Application Package

This course spent a significant amount of time focussing on developing professional language and writing skills. Everything was put to the test with the Application Package assignment. For this assignment, we were to find a job or school application advertisement or set of instructions and draft all of the necessary application requirements — a cover letter, resume, and letters asking for references.

My application assignment can be found in the menu on the left, however, in addition to crafting our own job or school application, we were asked to review a classmate’s to provide constructive feedback. Peer reviewing for this assignment was different from the previous peer review assignments done for this course; everyone’s application package had a different intent with different components. For this assignment, we had to create our own template, focussing on aspects that we thought were the most important to highlight and improve. Similar to the Formal Report Peer Review, I broke it down by section, trying to dial into the specifics of the documents my peer had provided. I wish them the best in this hiring process!

Peer Review of an Application Package