Why Alibaba becomes so successful?

Here is a big news that Alibaba went public in US, and an idea appeared in my mind. The most important reason for Alibaba to be successful is Yun Ma, the chairman of Alibaba Group, found the potential opportunity of internet marketing firstly. That gave them the unique advantage to promote themselves in a situation that with no stronger competitors in China.

This case proofs one of the pre-reading about the value proposition, which wrote how important to be the first one in their own field. Nowadays, many similar companies, like Jingdong, Dangdang have been founded in China but no one could beyond Alibaba. This depends on the wonderful operation of the leader team. So the second reason is obvious to see that the consumers and merchants’ requirement, even they will need in the future have all been met. It just like some building blocks, shifted for the need of the society. The business Alibaba have is comprehensive in the field of e-commerce. Meanwhile, all the brands they have are outstanding. This must be the toughest work they have been through, and it is the third reason why Alibaba could become so successful I think.


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