Apple’s iPhone 6

As Apple does every September, a pattern in the last four years, the new iPhone models were released as well as the announcement of Apple’s newest product, the Apple Watch. Pre-orders for the iPhone 6 surpassed the previous record of pre-orders in a 24 hour period set by the iPhone 5 in 2012, with over 4 million within the first day. This statistic amazes me, and how dedicated Apple’s customers are to their company. For me personally, Apple has done the same and hooked me to their products and their company. Apple is the leading smartphone maker in the world, and I think for good reason. Their business model, and methods of attracting customers are much different than competitors; one I believe is more personal. These products are tailored to customer’s needs, one where their technology is made to enhance their customer’s lives and be used as a tool to make daily tasks that much easier. Ethically, to me, Apple has done a superb job in creating a positive reputation for themselves. Whether it be their environmental practices with regards to production and consumption, or their partnership with Red products, Apple has involved itself in philanthropy and the environment. For these reasons, Apple continues to strive and succeed in this competitive market.


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