Penelope Trunk’s blog post on finding a career that provides stability caught my eye immediately as I was scrolling through her business blog. As a woman who has started four startup companies, she has gained experience in the business world and offering advice on finding a comfortable place for yourself.
Penelope’s blog post about career stability talks about finding a place in business where you work to guarantee a permanent spot for your future. This post reminded me of the discussion in class, as to whether or not students wanted to start their own company, or work for a current business or corporation. This blog post talks about the ways to find the perfect job, one where you are in a stable position, but in an already existing company and doesn’t mention entrepreneurship.
For me, this is the route I see myself taking, a pathway of working my way through a corporation to find a place where I fit best. Trunk provides excellent examples of the ways of doing this, like being creative but eliminating ones that aren’t possible, and ideas that you aren’t confident in. She provides a solid basis to her arguments in ways of finding a home in your career and that career stability is one of the most important aspects of your life.