A prescriptive study of early trends in implementing e-learning in the UK Higher Education Sector

From Distance Educator Daily News

A prescriptive study of early trends in implementing elearning in the UK.

Will look at this later… just gathering the link.

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PloneMap – a Plone-based GIS System

We’re currently experimenting with Plone, investigating how it might perform as the software basis for community interaction. Lots of other interesting applications for this software, of course – like eduplone, and the Rice University Connexions project

Novak Rogic, OLT’s Web Coordinator/Information Architect extraordinaire – and yes, another geologist turned learning/information technology specialist (we’re everywhere, right Alan?)– found this interesting application of Plone:

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Graduate Portfolios paper – L. Dayle Yeager

Another excellent link fron Ray Schroeder’s Online Learning Update pointing to a paper on Graduate Portfolios.

Using Online Education to Develop Graduate Portfolios outlines one use of an electronic portfolio – as a capstone in a Master of Science Degree program.

The author (L. Dayle Yeager from Texas A&M) does a good job in describing what e-portfolios in general are useful for, and the how this application fits:

The type of graduate portfolio developed in this online project was a hybrid prototype that combined various aspects of different portfolios. Named the showcase/professional portfolio, it incorporated (1) a summative mode of assessment, (2) best work samples of an overall graduate degree program, and (3) “highly” professional attributes.

What I like about this paper is that it is eminently practical, and does a good job of addressing both faculty and student concerns. One that stands out relates to grading. When taking on a protfolio project students and faculty both have questions related to grading:

– “How are we going to grade these things?”
– “How are these things going to be graded?”

(I know, I should have used the word assessed there, but I tend towards the pragmatic)

In that regard, their checklists are very useful:

– Student portfolio checklist
– Graduate Faculty’s Assessment Checklist
– Graduate Faculty’s Rubric

This is a must read!

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IEEE – Learning Technology Events Matrix

Nice compilation of events from the Learning Technology Standards Committee of IEEE:

Learning Technology Events Matrix.

Compiles events from the following organizations:

AACE Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
ADL Advanced Distributed Learning
AECT Association for Educational Communications & Technology
AEN Asia e-Learning Network Initiative
AICC Aviation Industry CBT Committee
ALA American Library Association
ALIC Advanced Learning Infrastructure Consortium
AMTEC Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada
ARIADNE ARIADNE Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool
ARL Association of Research Libraries
ASTD American Society for Training & Development
CNI Coalition for Networked Information
DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DLF Digital Library Federation
EdNA Education Network Australia
Educause Educause
HR-XML HR-XML Consortium
IEEE LTSC IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (1484)
IEEE LTTC IEEE Learning Technology Technical Committee
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IMS IMS Global Learning Consortium
Internet2 Internet2
ISTE International Society for Technology in Education
MB MedBiquitous Consortium
SC29 ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 29
SC36 ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 36

I wish it I could get this list in a format that could be pulled it into a calendar (like outlook). Hmmm.. … let’s see…

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And the biggest shocker from Mars…

Rover sets Mars distance record.

Well, DUH! All those other rovers that have been sent to Mars …..

How about we actually have some competitions before declaring records..

Now if Spirit and Opportunity could meet at the Olympus Mons track and drag race…

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Best practice for EdTech, Students with Disabilities

Looks like a good resource:

Guidelines for Student Success: Best Practices In The Use Of Educational Technologies For Learners With Disabilities.

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EFFECT – JCALT National Audit of Learning Technologies Staff

I’m even more of a fan of JISC now. The JCALT Project Career Development Study that performed an “audit” of the roles and responsibilities of the various type of people employed in supporting learning technologies. This area is one that we are looking to investigate over the next year here at UBC. What a fanstastic resource.

This was funded under the JISC Committee on Awareness Liaison and Training (JCALT) to extend the Career Development Study (JISC circular 4/99).

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But does he know the word haemetite?

Or is that hematite, like I was taught in my native country?

Sorry — I’m on a Mars kick these days …

But this one is priceless…

BBC NEWS – Parrot’s oratory stuns scientists

Seems this Parrot has a vocabulary of 950 words or so, and would probably do better in an English class than I…

And is probably funnier…

When he first met Dr Jane Goodall, the renowned chimpanzee expert, after seeing her in a picture with apes, N’kisi said: “Got a chimp?”

Tee hee…

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LTA for library app…

Nice “low threshold application” tip from the TLT Group…

LTA #34–How to Get Electronic Table of Contents (TOC) Alerts Using Library Electronic Journal Collections

I think our librarians might like this..

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Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

Gotta love these Canadian traditions… nice blend of cultures!

GungHaggisFatChoy :: Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2004

Toddish McWong’s Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner…

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