Monthly Archives: February 2017

Lumpia Shanghai

Lumpia Shanghai is a Filipino dish with Chinese origins; it can be thought of as a Filipino egg roll! I had to test the recipe before I made it in front of my class, so I made them for dinner for my parents and I this past weekend.

These are meant to be shaped like egg rolls, which I did for a few of them, but it was so time consuming that I made the rest like wontons. I had to get my parents to help me because there were so many to wrap! It is important to have everything prepped and ready to go before you begin deep frying, because it’s a very fast process.

I don’t have an actual deep fryer at home, so I had to use the old school technique which uses oil in a pot over the stove. It was my first time deep frying anything, and I was quite nervous. I got my dad to help me, but it was his first time too, and he was also really nervous. If you thought frying bacon made a mess of your stove, do not use this method. There was oil splattered absolutely everywhere, including on our bodies. Some of the lumpia were not wrapped tightly enough, so the filling burst out of the wonton wrapper, released moisture, and caused the oil to splatter.

The final product:

These were so delicious! I also made the dipping sauce to go with them, which was fabulous as well. The filling was so flavourful, and complemented the dip nicely. The wontons were perfectly crisp, and added the perfect crunch to the lumpia. I give these a 10//10, and if I ever invest in a deep fryer I would definitely make them again!


I wanted to experiment with mix-ins for the basic muffin recipe, so when I made these muffins at home, I threw in some dried cranberries and white chocolate chips. I really enjoyed this combination!


Update: Here are some of the muffins the students made today! I had blueberries and apple for them to mix in, and some students brought their own chocolate chips.


Guide to Healthy Snacking

Who doesn’t love snacks?

It’s important to remember that what we snack on can have a huge influence on our energy levels throughout the day, as well as our health overall. Here are three links which can help guide your snack choices!

Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide

Dietitians of Canada

Here is a photographic series showing what 200 calories looks like in different foods. What would you rather “spend” your calories on?