Tag Archives: sugar problems

sugar addiction

Sugar Withdrawal – Addiction to the Modern Day Poison

Sugar Addiction is Real

Let nobody tell you that sugar and carbohydrate addiction and the inevitable withdrawal is not real.  I have seen it in myself and many, many others.  Sugar and refined carbs are the modern day poison of the world.  With them we feel happy and content.  Without them we feel sad and grumpy.  Through refined carbs, the world has us in its grip – call it a conspiracy if you must.  You would probably be fairly close to the truth.

What does sugar addiction and withdrawal feel like?

Not everybody perceives sugar addiction the same way.  In fact some would say there is no such thing.  I would argue that the naysayers are so charged up on refined carbs that they never really hit a low (since they never stop eating them throughout the day).

The realisation of addiction is only perceived by the feeling of withdrawal.  In other words, you never knew how good you had it until you feel the lack.

So here are my personal withdrawal symptoms that I have learned to associate with a decrease in sugar intake:

  • feeling sad
  • feeling angry
  • not knowing what to do
  • feeling lost
  • very emotional about the smallest things
  • starting to cry suddenly (with tears and all)
  • tense back and shoulders
  • shaky hands
  • weak legs (especially thigh muscles)
  • loss of interest in your hobbies (strange but true)

The list could be extended, of course, but lets leave it at that.  I would say that the feelings associated with the loss of sugar and carbs are intense and can be border-line suicidal.

Who introduced foods that can cause such an array of issues?

The food industry, of course.  Another conspiracy theory?  I would say no.  Just the truth as we can see with our own eyes when we walk through any supermarket.  Aisles and aisles of sweet things – I would dare to guess that 75% of all processed and manufactured foods and even fruits have high doses of sugar (in its many forms).  The food industry knows full well how potent the continual intake of refined foods is and has a vested interest in keeping us coming back.

Why is this sugar drug not taken more serious?

An excellent question.  I can only guess that the general populous does not want to think much and keeps looking away.  The only reason we do hear about the problem with sugars and refined carbs is because people get fat so easily (sounds harsh but it is the truth).  But I do not believe that putting on the pounds is the real culprit.  However, emotional and physical withdrawal symptoms (as listed above) are.  They can cause much more pain to oneself and others than just being overweight.

What are solutions to the sugar problem?

First and foremost, the problem needs to be addressed by more people.  And I do not mean just overweight people.  Any person that knows anything about healthy eating should bring this topic up with their friends and family.  The non-thinking part of the population needs to be kicked in the arse and shown how bad the food industry really screws us over by keeping us in a sugar feeding frenzy.

And yes, you can eat better and avoid all refined foods for a good while but that is not the answer in the long run.  People are just not strong enough to withstand the power of bad foods (sugar and company) for very long.  So, I believe the answer lies elsewhere.

There must be a push to abolish refined sugars and carbs.  Sounds crazy, I know.  But if you do not push for it, it will always haunt you.

What the average person needs to do to make a difference

I would urge everyone to go 1 month without any kind of sugar which includes:

  • White Sugar
  • Brown Sugar
  • White Refined Flower in all its forms
  • all manufactured foods (cans, boxes, frozen meals, cereals, etc)

The focus should simply be on:

  • Food that is in its most natural form (e.g. peas, lentils, buckwheat, etc)
  • Raw Dairy, Vegetables, Fruits (not commercially grown)
  • Good meat without hormones such as wild fish and chicken or beef

During this one month you should see a drastic change in your mental state.  And you will shed weight fast (at least I do).  You might think you are starving but that is not so.  You will get more and more aware of what is going on in the food world and in the world in general.  You will feel different and more driven to change.  That is a good thing, believe me.

So, start by giving up the sweet things and you will see that a whole new world awaits, where your perception of things will change for the better.  It is a start, anyways.

Author:  Jony (a hidden door lover)