Unit 2 Reflection

Going into unit 2 I had some experience with LinkedIn and didn’t have to create a brand new profile. However, the one that I had was quite barebones and more of a placeholder. This unit allowed me to polish up my LinkedIn profile by not only doing my own research but also receiving feedback from a peer reviewer. I feel more confident in my profile and know what areas I need to work on.

In contrast, writing a formal report proposal was completely foreign to me. Brainstorming for the report proposal was definitely the most difficult aspect of this unit. The actually write up and review of the report did not take me too long. However, having to come up with an initial idea that was relevant, feasible, and also slightly interesting was a long process. I went back and forth with many ideas but decided to go with the one that felt most doable in order to avoid overwhelming myself. Fortunately, after that initial hurdle, the rest of the process has been quite smooth. Although I have a rough idea of what the final report will look like, I am taking it one step at a time and only spending my energy on the task at end. I’m excited to see how the finished review will turn out.

Peer reviewing my partner’s proposal was a great way to evaluate my own proposal. I could see areas that my partner did well and consider implementing that into my own proposal. The overall peer review process has helped affirm that I am generally on the right track with some corrections and changes on the way. Without the peer reviewing aspect I would likely second guess my own when it is done well or be overconfident when it is off the mark. Outside of the assigned peer reviews, I also look at my other team members’ work. While not in depth as a peer review, a quick glance of multiple submissions helps as a starting point to compare my own work to. As a bonus, viewing other submissions has been a cool way to see the diversity in where my colleagues’ interests lie or what experiences they’ve had. Overall, peer reviewing been enjoyable and benefited not only the quality of my work but also my confidence in that work.

Revised Proposal: MoneyDhaliwal_ReportProposal(Revised)

Peer Review of Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-98a-2020sa/2020/06/24/formal-proposal-peer-review-for-money-dhaliwal/

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