Mini-inquiry Oct 6

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For my natural item I chose a squash / pumpkin combo. I do not really know what it is. I believe it is a 3rd generation hybrid from lots of other pumpkins that I plant year to year. Anyway, I recognized I liked that it was green, orange and white so I grabbed it.

On my first drawing I focused on its oblong shape. It was very much a macro idea of “how does this object fit in 3d space”

Then I took a picture with my laptop.

Zoomed in.

Immediately I noticed the pattern of the green on the pumpkin. Then I switched my focus. The close up look changed the way I thought about the pumpkin.

What are some questions that this mini-inquiry stimulated?

I suppose first I really started to wonder about the genetic legacy of this little pumpkin squash. In it I recognize several different strains that I have planted before. I think that this project has strong metaphorical lessons. RE: how a change of perspective can give you new light into a somethings nature.

Objectivity. If you seem something happen you believe you understand why it happened. For example: A student knocks a glass off the table and it breaks. Your immediate reaction might be to administer a consequence to the child. A change of perspective. The reason the kid acted out and hit the cup over is because another student pinch the student in the leg. The reaction was reflexive and the student could not control it.

Perhaps it is a silly example but the point is… to understand our world we must seek different perspectives constantly. Only then can we get closer to the truth… Although I think reaching the truth is ultimately an impossible goal.
