1. What classes did you teach this week and what was the topic?
I taught both Tech Ed 8 and Junior Auto. For Tech Ed, I started the three main safety lessons (Band Saw, Drill Press, and Sander), and for Junior Auto, I taught the Electric Motor Unit, the Balancing Man Unit, and basic auto maintanence.
2. What is going well? What is one thing about this week that caused you to feel good?
What caused me to feel good was how most of the students felt really interested in the projects that they are doing. The level 1s in auto are really enjoying their electric motor unit, and some even came early to class so that they can troubleshoot and finish it (They still have some work to do though!). The level 2s are also enjoying their balancing man project as well. Most of them are onto their practice brazing, and even though it’s a relatively new skill, they are understanding the steps and safety behind brazing and doing it very well. The level 3s are mastering all aspects of the tire; they are using the tire machine, changing out spare tires, and going over parts of the tire. I feel pretty good that while I am teaching this subject, I am also learning a lot from my SA.
3. Did you experience any critical incidents this week? Describe at least one.
I received an interim report this week. To be honest, at first I was frustrated and very disappointed in myself that I received this report; I was always a excel student during my high school and college years, and I actually never failed any courses in my life. This interim felt like one of the biggest failures, and I even had doubts creeping into my mind, thinking “is this the right career for me?”. But, after thinking it through, receiving good advice from my SA and FA, and having some heart-to- heart tough love moment, I’m vastly improving and coming back stronger than ever. I think of this stage in my life as lifelong training, where I am learning the skills, organization, and perseverance that I need to really excel and succeed in anything I do.
4. Where do you think you could use help? In what ways can we (school advisor and faculty advisor) help you?
As an FA, it would be great if there wasn’t so much pressure towards me. I understand the paperwork and everything that is needed, but the long emails really stress me out! I really felt like I was doing something very wrong, and that I was legitimately going to fail during this practicum. It would be great if the emails were like my face-to-face talks with my FA, where she gives me good pointers, things to work on, etc. The tone of emails is very hard to read (at least for me!).
My SA can help me by what he is doing right now; going over in detail about the practical work in the auto shop, and giving me advice on keeping my eyes on the “overall” class rather than just one procedure or student.
5. Identify feelings that you experienced this week and what caused them e.g., what are your thoughts and feelings about your students and colleagues this week?
This week was a stressful one; I felt like I was doing pretty good during my practicum, but after receiving the interim, I was very stressed, disappointed, and frustrated. What I see in the school, classroom, and overall atmosphere is very different than what UBC has taught us, so that is also frustrating. Lesson and Unit plans do not go as planned, there is way more “work periods” rather than lessons in a Tech Ed Class, so I feel that making lesson plans for work periods is kind of a time waster; I’m also learning that there doesn’t need to be a demo every class, and new things do not have to be taught every class.
6. What question(s) are you pursuing this week? And have you found the answer and what is it? (For example: How does the international student system work in the school? What supports are in place for students who do not speak English?)
The main question I will be pursuing is “How do I keep students with IEPs safe in the woodshop?”.