Annotated Bibliography


Boling, E., Castek, J., Zawilinski, L., Barton, K., & Nierlich, T. (2008). Collaborative literacy: Blogs and Internet projects. The Reading Teacher,61(6), 504-506.

An article on the idea of learning online as a community through blogs and internet projects. This article talks about what blogs afford for students to achieve in their learning as well as other formats in which a project is hosted online and forming a community of learners.

Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learningThe Internet and higher education15(1), 3-8.

A paper talking about how social media contributes to personal learning environments and self-regulated learning, as well as linking the formula for personal learning for students before, during and after their learning. The studies conducted are for classes in college level.

Edwards-Groves, C. (2012). Interactive Creative Technologies: Changing learning practices and pedagogies in the writing classroom.

A paper that explores interactivity between the student and interactive learning software to prepare them for the modern technology filled society they will graduate into. It explores the change in how information can be delivered and how writing practices change thanks to the injection of technology in learning.

Freedom of Speech Ltd. (2014, April 2). Helping Bethany’s dyslexia at school using Dragon speech recognition software [Video file]. Retrieved from

Teachers and a dyslexic student talks about the benefits of having Dragon speech recognition software. Talks about the time saved for students and teachers and the social and emotional benefits of not always being the slowest and that it is very motivating to be able to perform.

Horry County Schools. (2012, October 23). Technology in the Classroom: Engaging with Edmodo feat. Andrea Steadman of Pee Dee Elementary. [Video file] Retrieved from

A video of a teacher introducing and setting up Edmodo for facilitating learning in the classroom. Explores the potential for classrooms to connect globally with others as well as the features within Edmodo available as an assessment tool. There also is a step by step guide of how to set up and distribute content to students in Edmodo.

How to Use Social Media as a Learning Tool. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2016, from

A webpage briefly talking about how and what social media to use inside a classroom. Talks about the danger as well as potential for learning when students engage in the world wide web of information with strangers on the internet and how teachers need to be aware of such dangers.

Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom.

A book on creative learning by means of inventing and tinkering with materials and technology. A great book for teachers to learning about Makerspace and how technology can be incorporated into their classrooms. Content includes why Makerspaces are beneficial for learning as well as the steps to setup and maintain the equipment to allow for students to tinker and engineer with.

Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. 32-42.

Making, tinkering and Engineering – This section talks about the idea of how students can learn from designing, fiddling and creating work / products when working with technology.

Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. 43-56

Thinking about Thinking – A chapter that goes through how technology and Makerspace can foster greater learning along side already established curriculum. Also talks of the changes needed to facilitate learning that will prepare students for their future in society that no one can accurately predict as of now.

Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. 147-156

Stuff – This chapter talks about what to stock up for a classroom to learn with Makerspace. There are some purchasing / acquiring tips for materials which would otherwise break a teacher’s wallet fairly quickly. The part about software maintenance was insightful especially because they are constantly updated and could add-up cost in the long run.

Path Finder Learning. (2013, December 30). 3D Printing in K-12 Education: Part 1 [Video File]. Retrieved from:

A video for teachers to look at the potential for 3D printers if they have access to one. 3D printing is relatively new even in schools and teachers might have heard about all the good things they can do but have no idea how. The video gives an idea of how 3D printer can be easily used to contribute to classroom learning without much training and how its products benefits across the board in many subjects.

Rhodders. (2007, April 23). Demonstration of speech recognition: For Westminster eForum [Video file]. Retrieved from

A demonstration by a dyslexic student on how Dragon speech recognition software works since he cannot attend a forum meeting in real life. He talks about how he benefits and the software’s disadvantages including training, cost, and ability to proofread like never before.

tvoparents. (2013, May 21) Using Social Media in the Classroom [Video file]. Retrieved from

A teacher from Saskatchewan on using blogs and twitter for students in her grade one and two class. She talks about the benefits of connecting to the world wide learning community and how her students are using social media inside the classroom.

Wiebe, Curtis, @DivisionW. Accessed from

A teacher librarian in Strawberry Hill Elementary who has set up his library with many technologies for Makerspace and personalized learning. He has information to grants, the technical know-hows and his philosophy of learning with technology.

5 pros and cons of social media in the classroom for educational use. (2014). Retrieved March 13, 2016, from

A quick reference list of why social media is good and bad for classrooms. The cheat sheet when talking to others about the benefits and harm of social media at face value before going in depth about learning and pedagogical practices associated with social media.

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