Wise Wednesdays: Build Social and Emotional Skills in Students Through Passions and Strengths

Hello and welcome to the first instalment of Wise Wednesdays where I share some wise words from professionals within the field of Education! Every Wednesday I will discuss an informative resource that addresses some part of my inquiry question. My inquiry question is: how can teachers build self-confidence within children who easily get frustrated?

This week’s article comes from Edutopia, which I have found to be a fantastic resource for practical information. The article, titled, Building Social and Emotional Skills in Elementary Students: Passions and Strengths discusses how teachers can help students become engaged in their learning and manage their emotions better. The writer, Randy Taran, says that it is important for students to be aware of and develop their unique strengths. When students are aware of their strengths, they are able to build on them more easily, which in turn makes them feel better about themselves and increases their self-confidence. One important point that Taran addresses in the article is instilling passion and engagement within students.

I believe that it is part of our jobs as teachers that we know each and every one of our students and what they enjoy doing, what their strengths are, and where they may be having some difficulties. The important aspect is to focus on the positives and use a student’s strengths (with teacher scaffolding) to help combat their areas of difficulties. If students understand what their strengths are, then they can use their strengths in order to help combat difficult situations.

An idea that the article provides is to ask each of your students to think of two strengths that they naturally have. Then, ask your students to think of one thing that they have practiced so much that they are getting better at every time, such as reading or writing. Afterwards, have the students walk around the classroom and ask different people what strengths they see in them. By the end, each student will have a list of strengths that their classmates see in them. Just imagine the confidence boost that each student will have after this activity!


Taran, R. (December 7, 2012). Building social and emotional skills in elementary students: Passion and strength. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/elementary-social-emotional-curriculum-3-passion-randy-taran

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