- Locate a place in Alberta for an Adventure-trip proposal.
- Brainstorm a list of expenses.
- Estimate the cost of the trip expenses for everybody
- Find out the ration of how much it would cost per person
- See if this is on-par with the current $350 pp estimate.
- Compare 2 different motels or campgrounds to stay
- Find the price for the group
- Find the ratio of price per person per night for accomodations
- What is the ratio of rooms needed for the group for both boys and girls?
- What percent of time should be spent on a) fun b) learning c) rest (zzzz) d) cooking/eating
- How long will it take to travel there, with rest breaks? (what is the rate of travel in average km/hr?)
- What is the rate of fuel consumption?
Just wondering if there is a due date for this yet.