Because only 2 students had their timelines ready for the fall term reporting period, Timeline points for ch. 1-6 will be added to the the winter term (fall term ch 1-3, winter 4-6). This is basically the same as the rubric from the 10/24/14 email, but also includes ch 4-6.
/1 – 1st nations
/1 – Cartier’s dates, diary pg 35
/1 – Champlain’s letter pg 38
/1 – Courier du Bois short entry
/1 – Colonist Paragraphs
/1 – Seigneurial System Media
/1 BNA / Mercantilism era
/1 Ch 4 point (student choice)
/1 Ch 5/6 (choice from CPR/NEWS paragraphs, abridged)
/1 Ch 5/6 NEW topic
/1 Historical Artifact (abridged)
/1 – Senior Interview (abridged)
/12 – Accurate Historical Dates
/12 – Correct Sequential Order
/12 – Each timeline point visually appealing / enhanced by photos, media, or stand-alone text presented well
/12 – Media credits
/1 – Timeline Preview link shared
/1 – spreadsheet file shared with PAR